Bee Removal

Bee Removal

We provide safe, guaranteed bee removal designed to protect your home or business.

Unique Methods

Honey Removal

Removing honey built by bees in walls, roofs, or other cavities ensures a long term solution to every bee problem.

Carpet Protectors

Preventative Service

We offer preventative services developed to get rid of bees around your swimming pool, fountains, or pollinating to close for comfort.

Professional Team

Professional Repair

We a fully insured and trained in repairing the damage that is done by bees or during the honey removal process

Removing the Bees

Carpet CleaningSwarms

Swarms are bee colonies that recently split from a nearby hive. Swarms tend to clump in trees or on the sides of homes.

Stain Removal


Beehives are bee colonies that have established and started building honeycomb. Beehives tend to be found inside of attics, walls, or even water valve boxes.

Upholstery Cleaning


Foraging bees are bees that are pollinating foliage in your yard, or collecting water from your pool. Foraging bees signal that there is hive nearby.

Honey Removal

Carpet CleaningRemoving the Comb

Removing the comb built by an established hive is an imperative step to guarantee that bees won’t soon return to the same area.

Stain Removal

Treat the Cavity

We treat the cavity to further ensure that the bees can no longer inhabit the hive area using residual insecticides and cleaning using proprietary techniques.

Upholstery Cleaning


Pheromones are the chemical messages excreted by the queen bee that mark the hive location and communicate instructions to the worker bees. Our proprietary cleaning techniques and designed to remove these pheromones.

Client Reviews

Call Us: 602-888-6551

Phoenix, AZ


7:00 AM-7:00 PM

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